National Alliance 2021 Annual Forum: 3 Takeaways

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November 11, 2021

Employers are Looking to Measure the ROI of their Clinical Point Solutions, Enact Personalized Care Strategies

Certilytics would like to thank everyone who made time to connect with us this week at the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions’ 25th Annual Forum in Arlington, Va.

Here Are Three Things We Learned At This Year’s Conference

1. Employers need a way to measure the performance of their clinical point solutions

Benefit teams are investing in an array of clinical point solutions designed to boost employee well-being and productivity while reducing the total cost of care.

These range from chronic disease management programs to digital lifestyle apps for fitness tracking, sleep improvement, mindfulness, and more.

But our conversations at the conference made clear: Employees are overwhelmed by all the options, and benefit leaders are struggling to measure vendor performance and communicate ROI to internal stakeholders.

The answer, according to the Harvard Business Review, is a “central hub” that collects and organizes the data from all these point solutions—empowering benefit leaders with easy-to-understand analytics that measure program performance and predict employee engagement.

Not only that, but advanced predictive analytics can enable benefit leaders to enact personalized care delivery strategies—matching the right member to the right solution and the right time.

2. There’s a strong business case for tackling health equity

For years now, healthcare leaders have been talking about health equity and the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). But these concepts have often felt like buzzwords, with few ideas for how to respond to the growing understanding that factors outside a clinician’s control have a major impact on health.

But at this week’s conference, benefit leaders were sharing real-world stories of how they’re beginning to turn this knowledge into action. “Where there are greater needs, there need to be greater resources,” said Michael Thompson, National Alliance President and CEO.

At Certilytics, we recently released an AI-powered model that predicts each member’s SDOH risk, enabling interventions at both the member and population levels to improve healthcare access and outcomes with cost and efficiency measures.

This model is designed to help health plans, employers, and provider health systems gain deeper insights into member behaviors and develop new strategies, programs, and partnerships to address social health barriers.

3. The Pandemic is Powering a Digital Health Revolution

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought digital health to the forefront—and there’s no turning back.

As Advisory Board Vice President Ford Koles said in a keynote address, “If I had to pick one clear winner from the past year, I would probably have to say digital health.”

But the shift to digital health will only be effective if guided by data-backed decision-making. This will require strategic investments in analytics that support reaching the right members at the right time via the right form of outreach—a key capability we help our clients achieve through our risk stratification tool.

The pandemic is also accelerating the shift toward virtual care and telehealth, which will require investment in AI capabilities that ensure individual patients are matched with the right services and care settings. That’s why Certilytics built a predictive model that determines a patient’s likelihood of utilizing telehealth services—enabling our clients to target their virtual care programs more effectively.

Thanks again to all those who made time to connect with us in Arlington—we hope to see you again (or for the first time) at next year’s conference!

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