HIMSS22: 3 Takeaways

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March 18, 2022

Healthcare Leaders are Re-imagining Health Through Value-Focused, Whole-Person Solutions

We were thrilled to be an exhibitor at the HIMSS22 conference in Orlando and want to thank everyone who took time to stop by our booth and attend our receptions.

It was exciting to see the conference back in full swing this year as attendees reconnected with old friends and made new connections.

We were inspired to hear from so many healthcare leaders about the new approaches they’re taking to combat some of the industry’s most pressing challenges. The slogan for this year’s conference was “re-imagine health,” and it was clear from our conversations that healthcare is at a major pivot point as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and patients increasingly take charge of their healthcare journeys, demanding whole-person, value-focused care.

Here are three takeaways from an unforgettable conference:

1. Data Sources Need To Be Connected And Enhanced To Enable Personalized Care Delivery

Data connectedness has been a major topic at recent conferences but is becoming even more important as healthcare organizations seek to respond to changes in patient expectations and address employee burnout caused by the pandemic.

As several speakers mentioned, robust analytic tools capable of connecting the vast array of data sources from both inside and outside the clinician’s office – especially social determinants of health factors – is critical to these efforts.

It’s why more healthcare organizations are turning to data management tools that produce a holistic, forward-looking views of member and patient health—with AI-powered enrichments that enable advanced predictive analytics.

Not only that, but healthcare organizations are increasingly demanding customizable tools that meet their specific clinical and business needs, allowing them to build their own reports and visualizations and answer their most pressing analytic questions.

2. Advancing Health Equity With Innovative Virtual Care Strategies

The pandemic has accelerated the shift toward virtual care and telehealth, which are increasingly becoming table stakes, especially for younger generations. As one panelist put it, “We don’t say tele-banking … we say banking.”

But utilizing virtual care to the fullest extent will require new investments in AI capabilities to ensure patients are being matched to the right services, treatment pathways, and clinical interventions at the right time.

Many of the healthcare leaders we met agreed that determining a patient’s likelihood of utilizing telehealth services, as well as targeting telehealth services to under-served populations, is paramount to achieving their health equity goals.

Investments in analytic tools that pinpoint the most impactful locations for telehealth services and bridge digital divides are a must-have.

3. Health And Wellness Apps Are Great—But You Need To Be Able To Measure Effectiveness

As organizations make new investments in health and wellness apps and programs to advance health equity, healthcare leaders are looking for ways to measure the results of these programs and determine whether patients are getting real value.

Our conversations made clear that without the ability to integrate all the data feeds from different programs and vendors, healthcare organizations are struggling to measure and communicate program performance and predict user engagement.

Advanced data management solutions are enabling healthcare organizations to unify all their data sources—creating a single source of truth and that allows them to receive real-time updates, identify worthwhile investments, and build better business cases around solutions that are making their patients healthier and happier.


Thanks again to all those who made time to connect with us in Orlando—we hope to see you again (or for the first time) at next year’s conference!

To learn more about how Certilytics can help you advance your health equity goals, virtual care solutions, and data connectedness, contact us for a product demonstration or to meet with our team of experts.